Capturing Creation

Capturing Creation

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More flowers!!

My flowers from homecoming are dying... :( So I flipped then upside down and in a couple months or weeks they'll actually look kinda cool. They won't be wilted cause they'll be dried up


Just a small taste of what it's like to live with 3 crazy brothers in the house!!


Photomontage 2

Just finished my second set by hand! :)

Monday, October 28, 2013


I finished one of my two photomontage's that I was to put together by hand! :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I went to homecoming last night and got ready with my friend!! I love her! :)

Getting ready!

These were our dresses... :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Photomontage Assignment

So my next assignment was to take a bunch of pictures, while standing in one place, and pull them all up in Photoshop and merge them together to create one big image. I'm doing two more but instead of putting them together on Photoshop, I am doing it manually in class... I'll post them later when they are done.

This is definitely my favorite one. I had more of the roads on each side of the picture so that you could look down each road, but Photoshop can only handle so many images at a time. I love that it looks like you're looking through a fish bowl. :)

Didn't turn out as great as I would have liked. Again, couldn't get the whole picture in because of Photoshop's lack of "handling more then 10-15 photos". I know, 10-15 photos sounds like a lot but when you want the whole picture who knows how many photos you'll end up using. My photo montage that I am putting together manually in class consists of 56 photos. :O

Monday, October 14, 2013

American Flag

Went out for ice cream last night and this huge American Flag was blowing in the wind. :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Still Life Photography Assignment

So I have officially finished my next assignment, still life photography. The assignment was to gather things together that described me and take a photograph. There had to be at least 5 objects in each photo and I had to have 3 different groupings but 3 different photos of each grouping.

This first series was the represent my love of photography. 

The second series was to represent me and my parents. It's my dad's wedding ring, my mom's wedding ring, and my purity ring. This series was more of a personal one. It tells a story about me.

This last series was to show that I play soccer. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I absolutely love soccer. Aside from photography, it's pretty much what I do. :)
Black and white and color

Friday, October 4, 2013

My Brothers! <3

I love my brothers!! In a way, I guess I'm grateful to be the only girl!! Especially since that means I don't have to share my clothes with someone. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"D" turned one!

I took this picture as a surprise for my mom for "D's" first birthday. She loved it and was so surprised.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BNW Assignment

Here are my pictures from my photography assignment that I finished a couple weeks ago. 

Everyone kept saying, "Of course Ashly would take a picture of a soccer goal!" Well, DUH!!! ;)

This is beside my school's "grass" field.

One of my favorites!!

Also one of my favorites!!

I forgot to dust the guitar... oops!

I'm already working on my next assignment, still life photography. I'll post those once I finish them up!